How to Clean Vomit from Your Car Like a Pro

How to Clean Vomit from Your Car Like a Pro

Prep Your Cleaning Supplies

When it comes to cleaning up vomit from your car, preparing your cleaning supplies is the first step towards a successful outcome. You’ll need gloves to protect your hands from germs and bacteria. Additionally, have several layers of paper towels or an old towel to clean up the mess. A disinfectant spray is necessary to kill any bacteria and sanitize the affected area. Finally, provide ample plastic bags to dispose of any contaminated items or waste carefully.

It’s important to note that before you begin the cleaning process; stay away from any harsh chemicals or BLEACH. They might ruin your car’s upholstery or cause an allergic reaction. Instead, try a vinegar-based solution or some mild detergent to clean up the stain.

To clean up vomit from your car effectively, you should roll up your sleeves, put on your gloves, and open all the windows and doors of the vehicle to ventilate the space properly. Vomiting can emit an odor that’s unbearable, and it’s essential to have a fresh air supply to aid in the cleaning process.

Scoop Up the Chunks

So, you have a vomit mess in your car. Unfortunately, cleaning up vomit is one of the most unpleasant tasks you might have to do as a car owner. However, it’s essential to handle the situation correctly to avoid spreading the smell and bacteria. The first step when faced with vomit in your vehicle is to scoop up the chunks.

You can use a plastic bag or gloves to do this. Pick up the solid pieces of vomit and dispose of them appropriately. It’s crucial to do this carefully to avoid any splashes or spills. Remember, the less vomit on the surface, the easier it will be to clean up the mess.

It’s also important to note that the chunks must be removed as soon as possible to avoid the vomit from deeply soaking into the fabric or car mats. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to remove the stains and smell.

Once you have removed the visible chunks of vomit, use a plastic scraper or cardboard to remove any remaining bits. Be careful not to push the vomit further into the fabrics or spread it to other areas of your car.

Remember, safety is essential when handling vomit. Ensure you are wearing gloves and avoid inhaling the smells and fumes to avoid contamination.

Now that you have scooped up the chunks, the next step in cleaning vomit from car is to focus on deodorizing the area. We’ll discuss this further in the next subsection.

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Blot Away Liquids

As soon as you spot vomit in your car, your first step is to blot away any liquids. Grab some paper towels and carefully soak up the bulk of the vomit. Be sure to cover the entire area to stop the liquids from spreading. Once you’ve got as much as possible with paper towels, use a clean, dry towel to blot the area. Continue until the surface is as dry as possible.

Keep in mind that blotting the area properly is critical for preventing a bad smell from developing. When left to soak into the car’s fabric, vomit can cause a nasty smell that can be challenging to get rid of.

Scrape Away the Solids

The next step is to remove any solid chunks. Gently scrape any solids using a plastic or metal scraper. Be sure to use gentle motions and avoid scrubbing or rubbing as this can damage your car’s upholstery. Place the solids into a plastic bag and dispose of it properly. Avoid using a vacuum cleaner first as it can push solid particles further into the fabric.

After you’ve removed the chunks, blot the area with paper towels once more. Ensure that you cover the area entirely again and that you blot gently to avoid spreading the solid particles thinly on the car seat.

Clean the Affected Area

Now, it’s time to clean the affected area. Create a cleaning solution of 1:1 water and white vinegar. Put the solution in a spray bottle and apply it to the affected spot. Let the solution sit for 10 – 15 minutes to allow the acidic solution to work its magic on the stain and smell.

Next, blot the area again with a clean, dry towel. Rinse the area with warm water and blot again until dry. Repeat the process until the smell and stain are entirely removed. Keep in mind some damage may still be visible after cleaning, especially if the vomit was left untreated for an extended period or if it manages to stain severely.

Finally, use a high-quality car cleaner to eliminate any remaining odours and bacteria that might still be lingering around.


Cleaning vomit from your car is something that nobody wants to do. Still, it’s important to clean spills properly to keep the car’s upholstery clean and free of bad odours. The blotting and cleaning process outlined above can help keep your vehicle comfortable and clean. Remember that it’s essential to act fast, blot liquids up, scrape solids, use vinegar solution and rinse thoroughly. When done correctly, the vomit stain will no longer be visible, and the smell won’t linger around.

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Clean and Disinfect

When it comes to cleaning vomit from your car, the first step is to clean and disinfect the affected area. This will not only help get rid of the vomit but also remove any lingering odor. To achieve this, you will need a disinfectant cleaner and some paper towels to wipe.

Start by removing any solid vomit with a paper towel. Be careful not to press too hard and spread the vomit further. Once you have removed as much of the solid matter as possible, spray the area with a disinfectant cleaner. Make sure you cover the entire affected area.

Use a paper towel or a soft cloth to wipe the surface until it is clean and odor-free. Repeat the process until there is no residue left. This will ensure that all bacteria and viruses have been eliminated, and your car will smell fresh once again.

If you do not have a disinfectant cleaner available, you can use a mixture of water and vinegar. Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and will help kill any bacteria and viruses.

Once you have wiped the area clean, make sure to dispose of the paper towels or cloth properly. If there is still a lingering odor, you can use an air freshener spray or sachets to keep your car smelling fresh.

Cleaning vomit from your car can be a challenging task, but with the right tools and products, it can be done quickly and effectively. Always remember to wear gloves and use a face mask if you have a weak immune system or are sensitive to strong smells.

In conclusion, cleaning and disinfecting the affected area is crucial when cleaning vomit from your car. Use a disinfectant cleaner or a mixture of water and vinegar to eliminate any bacteria or viruses. Make sure to wipe the surface clean until there is no residue left and dispose of any paper towels or cloth properly. Lastly, to keep your car smelling fresh, use an air freshener spray or sachets.

Avoid Future Incidents

If you’ve successfully cleaned vomit from your car, then the next step would be to prevent a similar incident from happening again. Here are some tips that can help you avoid having to clean vomit from your car in the future.

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Keep a plastic bag and extra paper towels in the car for emergencies

One of the best things you can do is to keep a plastic bag along with extra paper towels in your car. You never know when someone may feel nauseous or sick and may need to vomit. Having these essentials on hand will help you clean up quickly and get back on the road. Be sure to use a sturdy plastic bag that won’t puncture or break, as this can make cleanup even more difficult.

Avoid eating before driving

If you’re planning a family road trip or a long drive, the best practice is to avoid eating before the trip or limit your intake to light snacks. This is especially true for kids prone to carsickness. Certain foods, like spicy or greasy foods, can increase the likelihood of getting nauseous while driving, which can lead to vomiting. It’s better to avoid such foods before a drive.

Pack a vomit bag

If you know that someone in your car is prone to motion sickness or vomits frequently, pack a vomit bag for them. You can use a small plastic bag or a vomit bag provided by airlines or hospitals. Having this handy can help prevent a mess in your car and help the person feel more comfortable knowing they have a safe place to vomit.

Take frequent breaks

It’s crucial to take frequent breaks, especially during long car rides. When you take a break, everyone can stretch their legs, get some fresh air, and avoid feeling cramped or car sick. If someone is feeling nauseous, they can use the break to reduce the feeling by drinking water, taking a walk, or just watching the scenery.

Have blankets and towels on hand

It’s always best to be prepared for any situation that may arise. Having blankets and towels on hand can be very helpful in case someone vomits in your car. You can use the towels to initially clean up the mess and the blankets to keep the person comfortable and warm during the rest of the drive.

By following these tips, you can avoid having to clean vomit from your car in the future. Remember that proper planning can help prevent nausea and vomiting while driving.

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About the Author: Barnas Ambon

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