Effective Ways to Get Rid of Virginia Creeper in Your Garden

Effective Ways to Get Rid of Virginia Creeper in Your Garden

Why Get Rid Of Virginia Creeper?

Virginia creeper is a deciduous vine that belongs to the grape family. It is a common plant in North America, Europe, and East Asia. The plant is characterized by its ability to climb (it can reach up to 50 feet in height) and its five-leaflets that change color during the fall season. While Virginia creeper may seem harmless, it can cause a lot of damage in your property if not controlled. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why it’s important to get rid of Virginia creeper and how to do it effectively.

It Can Damage Your Property

One of the top reasons to get rid of Virginia creeper is because it can cause damage to your property. Virginia creeper has strong aerial roots that can grow on any surface, including your walls, fences, and trees. If left unchecked, its roots can penetrate small gaps and cracks in your walls or roofs, causing structural damage. Moreover, Virginia creeper can engulf your trees, hindering their growth and eventually killing them. It can also block your gutters, leading to water damage and mold infestation.

It Can Attract Pests

Another reason to get rid of Virginia creeper is that it can attract pests. Virginia creeper is a favorite food source of aphids, which can infest your garden and damage your plants. Moreover, rodents such as rats and mice can use the vines as a hiding spot and eventually invade your home. Eliminating Virginia creeper can help reduce the risk of these pests infesting your property.

How To Get Rid Of Virginia Creeper?

Getting rid of Virginia creeper can be challenging, especially if it has already grown extensively on your property. Here are some effective ways to get rid of Virginia creeper:

  • Hand pulling: This is suitable for small infestations. Make sure to wear gloves and pull the vines out gently from the roots to avoid leaving fragments that can regrow.
  • Pruning: Prune the vines regularly to prevent them from growing too long and invading your space. Use a sharp pruning shear to cut them as close to the ground as possible.
  • Herbicides: You can use a systemic herbicide like glyphosate to kill the Virginia creeper. However, you need to be careful not to spray it on other plants as it can be detrimental to them.
  • Professional help: If the infestation is too big to handle, consider hiring a professional to remove the Virginia creeper for you.


Virginia creeper may look beautiful, but it can cause a lot of damage to your property and attract pests. If you have Virginia creeper growing on your property, it’s important to get rid of it as soon as possible. Whether you choose to hand pulling, pruning, or using herbicides, make sure to do it carefully to avoid causing further damage. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, so make an effort to control the growth of Virginia creeper before it gets out of hand.

The Dangers of Virginia Creeper

While Virginia Creeper can add an appealing touch to garden fences, or provide some shade to your patio, it can also be a cause for concern. The plant poses a few dangers that need to be taken into account and handled with care.

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One of the main hazards of Virginia Creeper is the potential irritation it can cause. The plant contains oxalates which are tiny needle-like crystals found in its leaves and stems. When the plant is touched or brushed up against, these crystals can penetrate the skin causing irritation, itching, and burning. This can lead to a rash, swelling, or even an allergic reaction in some people. Therefore, when handling Virginia Creeper, it is advisable to wear gloves, long sleeves, and pants to avoid direct contact with the plant.

Another danger of Virginia Creeper is that it can cause damage to buildings or trees. The plant can grow aggressively and cling on to surfaces using adhesive disks on its tendrils. It can grip onto wood, stucco, and brick exteriors, which can weaken the structure of a building over time. Virginia Creeper can also climb and cover trees, eventually leading to a decline in their health and eventual death. Therefore, regular maintenance and control of the plant’s growth are necessary to prevent damage to buildings and trees.

In addition, be aware of the danger of mistaking Virginia Creeper for Poison Ivy. Virginia Creeper bears a similarity in appearance to Poison Ivy, especially in the fall when its leaves turn red. While Virginia Creeper is not poisonous and does not cause allergic reactions as Poison Ivy does, the two plants can be confused for one another, and it is best to be cautious and prevent direct contact with either plant.

In conclusion, it is important to be aware of the potential dangers of Virginia Creeper and take necessary precautions when handling or growing the plant. Remember to wear protective clothing when handling the plant to avoid irritation, control its growth to prevent damage to buildings and trees, and know the difference between Virginia Creeper and Poison Ivy to avoid contact with the latter. By being cautious and aware, you can enjoy the beauty of Virginia Creeper without the risks that it may pose.

Physical Removal Methods

If you want to get rid of Virginia Creeper growing in your yard, using physical removal methods can be a good option. Physical removal methods involve cutting, pulling or pruning the plant to get rid of it completely. Here are some useful tips on how to remove Virginia Creeper using physical methods.

Identify the Creeper

The first step in removing Virginia Creeper physically is to identify the plant properly. Virginia Creeper is a fast-growing vine that can climb up walls, trees, and other surfaces using its clinging tendrils or aerial roots. You should keep an eye for its distinctive five-leaflet leaves and woody vines clinging to the surfaces. Once you have identified the plant, the next step is to decide on the best method to remove it.

Cutting and Pruning

If the Creeper is growing through a hedge, into a tree or another plant, then cutting is the best removal method. Using garden shears or clippers, simply cut the vine at its base where it meets the ground, then sever the stems that climb up through the plant. This will prevent Virginia Creeper from spreading and taking root in these areas, but you will still need to monitor the area to make sure that it does not reappear after a few months. If the Creeper is growing all over the surface, then cutting and pruning may be suitable options. Trimming back the plant to ground level may not entirely remove it, but it will control its growth and stop it from further spreading.

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Pulling is an excellent way to remove Virginia Creeper if it is growing on the ground or over a flat surface. By simply grabbing the stems at their base, you can pull the plant upwards to remove the roots as well as any clinging vines. Be careful not to leave behind any roots or clinging tendrils, as they can germinate into new plants later. If the Creeper is growing on a surface that cannot be pulled, then the vines should be cut near the surface with snips, leaving the roots behind.

When to Use Physical Removal Methods

Physical removal methods are best done in the late summer or fall when the vines begin to dry out. At this time, the plant is weaker and easier to cut, pull, or remove from the ground. However, if you notice Virginia Creeper growing out of control and starting to damage structures, then it is best to remove it immediately even if it is growing during other times of the year. Doing so can help prevent it from spreading and causing more damage in the long run.

In summary

Physical removal methods are an effective way to remove Virginia Creeper from your yard. By identifying the plant, and using cutting, pruning or pulling, you can help to eliminate it from your garden. Remember to be careful not to spread its seeds when removing the plant and continue to monitor your garden to ensure that it does not return.

Chemical Removal Methods

If you have tried other methods to get rid of Virginia Creeper, but the plant still continues to grow, then it’s time to consider using chemical removal methods. Here, we’ll discuss some of the most effective chemical-based methods to eliminate the Virginia Creeper once and for all.


Herbicides are chemicals that kill plants, and can be an effective method for getting rid of Virginia Creeper. Glyphosate is the most popular herbicide used to treat Virginia Creeper. It is available in both concentrated and ready-to-use formulas, and can be applied to the plant in various ways.

You can either spray the herbicide directly on the leaves and stems of the plant or apply it to the soil surrounding it. The first method is more effective if the Virginia Creeper is growing on walls or other vertical surfaces, while you should use the latter if the plant is growing on the ground.

Precautions to Take

It is important to follow the instructions that come with the herbicide and wear personal protective equipment (PPE) while handling it. PPE includes gloves, goggles, and masks, as herbicides can be harmful if they come into contact with the skin, eyes, or respiratory system.

You should also be mindful of the environment when using herbicides. Make sure there is no wind when you’re spraying the herbicide and that you’re not near any water sources or sensitive plants. Avoid spraying the herbicide on a hot day, as the herbicide can evaporate before it has a chance to work.

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Additional Tips

When using herbicides, don’t expect the plant to die immediately. The process may take a few weeks or even months, so you should be patient. Also, remember to remove the dead plant once it’s brown and brittle. Leaving it there can attract pests or diseases.

In conclusion, using herbicides is a great way to remove Virginia Creeper. However, it’s important to follow the instructions, take the proper precautions, and stay aware of the environment. With a little patience and effort, you can successfully say goodbye to Virginia Creeper and keep your garden flourishing.

Preventing Virginia Creeper from Returning

Getting rid of Virginia Creeper can be a tedious and time-consuming process, especially if the plant has been left for a while to establish itself. However, all your hard work can go to waste if the plant regrows and takes over your property yet again. Therefore, it is essential to take steps to prevent Virginia Creeper from returning. Here are some tips to guide you in preventing Virginia Creeper from regrowing:

Regular Maintenance

Maintaining your property is crucial in preventing Virginia Creeper from returning. Keep an eye out for new growth, especially in the areas where the plant was previously removed. Any new sprouts should be dug up and removed immediately. Regular pruning can also help to control the growth of the plant and prevent it from spreading uncontrollably.

Remove Its Support System

Virginia Creeper will return if it finds a structure to climb. If the plant grows on a wall, fence, or trellis, the support system should be removed or covered with a material that the plant cannot climb. This will make it more difficult for the plant to regrow.

Use Herbicides

Using herbicides can be an effective way to kill the root system of Virginia Creeper. However, this method should be used with caution, as herbicides can harm other plants in the area. It is best to use a systemic herbicide that targets the roots of the plant. Follow the instructions provided on the herbicide label and wear protective gear to prevent any harm.

Keep the Area Weed-Free

Virginia Creeper can easily take over a garden or property that is not well maintained. Keeping the area weed-free can help to prevent the plant from returning. Regularly weed the area and keep the soil free from debris. Also, pay close attention to any new growth that sprouts up and remove it immediately.

Monitor Your Property Regularly

It is essential to monitor your property regularly, even after the Virginia Creeper has been removed. Regular checks can help to identify new growth and prevent the plant from regrowing. It is especially important to keep an eye out in the areas where the plant was previously rooted.

Getting rid of Virginia Creeper can be challenging, but it is achievable with the right approach and techniques. Remember to take steps to prevent the plant from returning to ensure that your hard work of getting rid of it is not in vain.

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About the Author: Barnas Ambon

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